Revision history for YAOO

0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.

0.03    2022-02-13
	Third times a charm

0.04    2022-02-14
	- Fix booleans
	- Add an extends keyword for inheritance
	- Add require_has and require_sub keywords

0.05    2022-02-14
	Various Fixes including:
	- inheritance
	- any isa type
	- passing $self into coerce and trigger
	- ordered hash cloning in the correct order

0.06    2022-02-15
	- Add support for defining multiple attributes/accessors via [qw/one two three/] and {one => {}, two => {}}

0.07 	2022-02-18
	- Add delay, lazy and build_order attribute options
	- Automagically import strict and warnings
	- Add mechanism to extend attributes (_attribute).

0.08    2022-02-20
	- Allow an attribute/accessor to be set as undef (cleared)