Revision history for WebService-YouTube

1.0.3   2009-01-20
    - Applied Patrick's patch to W::Y::Util#get_video_uri to fix RT#40171.

1.0.2   2007-09-15
    - Fixed W::Y::Util#get_video_uri.

1.0.1   2007-04-09
    - Fixed the namespace URI of the Media RSS.
    - Applied the patch of RT#26073 for version compatibility.
      (Thanks Mark Stosberg!)

1.0.0   2007-01-07
    - Fixed the error which occurs when video_list has only one result.
    - Changed to use Test::Base instead of Test::More.
    - Deleted all the deprecated methods.
    - Changed the rule of versioning.

0.04    2006-09-11
    - Fixed the specification of the version number.

0.03    2006-09-11
    - Added Module::Build support.
    - Added Module::AutoInstall support.

0.02    2006-09-10
    - Changed the interface of WebService-YouTube dramatically.
    - Added WebService::YouTube::Videos
        - Added youtube.videos.list_by_tag support.
        - Added youtube.videos.list_by_user support.
    - Added WebService::YouTube::Feeds
        - Added RSS of tag support.
        - Added RSS of user support.

0.01    2006-08-25
    - Modified to accept a video ID at W::Y::Util#get_video_uri.
    - Added the ForceArray option for ``*_list`` elements.
    - Added youtube.videos.get_details support.
    - Added youtube.videos.list_featured support.
    - Added RSS support.