Version 1.10 - 19th February 2006
+ Added checks in get_url() method to check
if the image is a reasonable size, and if
not to try and guess if the image has been
blocked against hotlinking.
+ Changed to build with Module::Build from
svn instead of cvs repository
Version 1.09 - 20th January 2006
+ Changed the useragent and refer in LWP::UA
calls so that the images download on the
new Keenspace hostname.
Version 1.08 - 12th January 2006
+ Added support for the strip URL to be on
+ Added additional POD.
+ Fixed pod_coverage unit test to actually
use Test::Pod::Coverage instead of
Test::Pod (which was a mistake)
Version 1.06 - 7th January 2006
+ Added Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage
unit tests.
Version 1.05 - 31st December 2005
+ Increased the file size download limit from
256Kb to 512Kb. (Some of the comic strip images
appear to be bigger than the 256Kb limit).
Version 1.04 - 31st December 2005
+ Fixed typo in header command and in POD.
+ Added more to examples/* in the distribution
Version 1.02 - 30th December 2005
+ Initial release.