Revision history for WWW-Freshmeat

0.22    2012-02-28
        - 'Mirror site' will map to 'url_mirror'
        - Compatibility support for old urls that now redirect to

0.21    2009-12-29
        - redir_url will return string, not an URI object

0.20    2009-11-08
        - Updates for new API
        - 'retrieve_user' temporarily removed
        - "url_list", "branches", "trove_id", "real_author", "maintainers", "url", "init_html",
          "popularity" were removed
        - 'release_date' temporarily removed
        - 'languages','tags' methods added
        - example removed

0.13    not released
        - method version will return empty string when there is no release
        - new project methods: release_date, maintainers, date_add, date_updated
        - WWW::Freshmeat::User added
        - example added

0.12    2009-02-18
        - added $WWW::Freshmeat::Project::project_re - regexp for project name
        - url_list will work with projects containing '.'
        - added real_author to fetch name of author (not maintainer)

0.11    2009-02-15
        - url_list has argument to try to follow Freshmeat redirect links
        - rewrote redir_url not to fetch page it was redirected to

0.10    2009-02-14
        - 5.008 only (due to 'ISO-8859-1' encoding of XML file)
        - projectname_short project method for retrieving project string id
        - HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath is now required
        - supports fetching branch list
        - url_list project method for retrieving project URL list
        - popularity project method for retrieving project popularity data
        - redir_url in WWW::Freshmeat to fetch url which link will redirect to

0.03    2009-02-03
        - retrieve_project for project that does not exist will return undef
        - retrieve_project will die if it would not be able to fetch project record
        - nonexistingproject.t to test this functionality
        - method for returning id's of trove categories
        - project_from_xml class method
        - tests check for connection with LWP::Online
        - Build.PL now lists modules in 'requires' section

0.02    2009-01-25
        new maintainer: Alexandr Ciornii
        - distribution modernized
        - "project.t" added, a live test
        - "boilerplate.t" removed
        - "all rights reserved" removed (by permission of Cedric Bouvier)

0.01    Wed May 31 13:29:17 CEST 2006
        First version, only retrieval of known project entry.