Revision history for Unexpected
1.0.1 2017-07-31 22:45:46
- Toolchain update
0.46.1 2017-02-16 22:29:03
- Better type error file locations
- Updated copyright year
- Can call instance_of with a code reference
- Toolchain update CVE-2016-1238
0.45.1 2016-10-23 19:42:39
- Added no_quote_bind_values to StringifyingError
0.44.1 2016-05-08 23:04:28
- Added coverage URI to travis.yml
- Added coverage badge and coverage report posting
0.43.1 2015-11-29 15:38:05
- Refactored smoker exceptions to dump file
- Added another broken smoker to exception list
- Can set multiple exception attributes from exception classes
0.42.1 2015-10-04 11:09:47
- Strictify the POD encoding
- Better subroutine naming
- Toolchain update
0.41.1 2015-09-14 09:58:50
- Turning off CPAN Testing Aug 2015.
Since the site went down I cannot see the reports so there is no
point leaving them running
- Eliminated Try::Tiny from abridged stacktrace
0.40.1 2015-09-04 11:51:43
- Cache the exception class lookup in Functions
Won't need to except EXCEPTION_CLASS when importing throw
- Upstream toolchain update
0.39.1 2015-08-26 23:36:44
- Added RequestFactory duck type
- Added tests for clone method
- Added clone method to Throwing
- Replaced 01always-pass.t with Test::ReportMetadata
0.38.1 2015-05-01 14:10:50
- Fixed prototype on inflate_placeholders
- Exposed inflate_placeholders
- Deprecated quote_bind_values. Deleted interpolate_msg
- Stop quote_maybe in Functions::interpolate_msg with extra default
- Updated copyright year
0.37.1 2015-04-22 21:52:56
- Dropped Coveralls due to permission creep on Github
- Added Kwalitee badge
- Added NonZeroPositiveNum and PositiveNum to Types
- Added interpolate_msg which uses new default placeholders
- Reversed missing placeholder change
- Made boolean overload subclassable
- Replaced last _sub with lexical
- Missing placeholders replaced with undef and null
- Call instance_of in catch_class matching
0.36.1 2014-12-22 01:02:53
- Added explicite bool overload
- Broken smoker a54c1c84-6bf5-1014-b4f9-dcd54300afcd
added to skip list
- Updated prereqs
0.35.1 2014-12-01 17:18:12
- Switched to lexical subroutines
- Added coderef|error, arrayref to constructor method signature
- Switched back to alternate D::C::R::Coveralls
The alternate version uses Furl and works the official
version uses HTTP::Tiny and fails to validate the host cert
- Added exception, throw and throw_on_error functions
- Made is_one_of_us an exported function
0.34.1 2014-10-07 17:21:03
- Updated prereq for Exporter::Tiny closes RT#99263 (tobyink++)
0.33.1 2014-10-02 18:31:16
- Fixed class coderef dereferencing bug
0.32.1 2014-10-02 01:38:57
- Made tests skip broken dev releases of Exporter::Tiny
7b202d3a-49be-11e4-8c55-4b712c6f0924 and RT#99263
0.31.1 2014-10-01 23:43:15
- Added coderef and list constructor signature
- Added two colons test skip line to t/boilerplate.t
0.30.1 2014-08-19 00:02:19
- Bumped Type:Tiny version RT#98113
- Removed version from POD
- Removed strictures::defanged unnecessary
warnings::bits is going undefined. Something in the test suite
since first occurance was on 02pod.t
- Corrected inline package definition in type tests
- More breakage 494fe6de-2168-11e4-b0d1-f6bc4915a708
- Added fury badge
- Updated build_requires dependencies
- Split out boilerplate from test scripts
- Moved s::d calls til after min perl ver tests
- Added strictures::defanged to tests because
0.28.1 2014-08-07 16:37:55
- Added another constructor method signature
- Added Coverall instructions to tavis.yml
- Added Travis and Coverall badges to POD
0.27.1 2014-07-16 15:51:37
- Fixed frame skipping sub in stack tracing role
Something in the way Moo constructs attributes if different
between most systems and some BSD smokers. The
Unexpected::TraitFor::TracingStacks::_build_trace frame is
reported as __ANON__
- Removed dependency on strictures
0.26.1 2014-07-16 08:07:00
- Skipping Type::Tiny 0.44. Doesn't install with Moo 1.005
- Tests set ENV variable when stack trace broken. More debug op
- Removed filtered frames
0.25.1 2014-07-16 06:26:37
- Stack trace broken on some bsd smokers
0.24.1 2014-07-15 22:09:12
- Releasing
- Added catch_class to ::Functions
- Replaced namespace::sweep with namespace::autoclean
- CPAN Testing failure 20ba3f5a-f94d-11e3-82c2-bc3ea1235623
Seifer Cross unknown host. Undefined install paths
0.23.1 2014-05-28 11:24:47
- Added new construction signature, <error>, <hash_ref>
- Added stringification test
- Moved location of namespace::clean calls. Yuck
- Made LoadableClass TC output require_module error
- Removed Ident: lines
0.22.1 2014-01-24 20:30:06
- Removed VERSION from all but main module
- Updated git pre commit hook
- Method add_exception now only adds one exception at a time
0.21.1 2014-01-15 17:13:43
- Added ::Functions::has_exception. Exception descriptor DSL
- Renamed ::EC::has_exception to add_exception
0.20.1 2014-01-01 01:20:15
- Defined the Unspecified exception class
- Added default error message to ::ExceptionClasses
- Updated Build.PL. Remove prereqs below min_perl_ver
0.19.1 2013-12-06 12:33:21
- CPAN Testing failure 073a6592-5dc5-11e3-8778-8bb49a6ffe4e
Sebastian Woetzel We require 0.88
Smoker says 0.99002 installed runs tests using 0.82. This is a
candidate for the Admin interface when it arrives
- Using DZ::P::AbstractFromPOD
- Using DZ::P::LicenseFromModule
- Added prototypes to ::Functions
0.18.1 2013-11-30 15:52:42
- ::F::import test exception_class for is_exception
0.17.1 2013-11-30 15:09:48
- Added ::Functions::is_class_loaded
0.16.1 2013-11-27 12:15:44
- Replaced Class::Load with Module::Runtime
- Dropped DZ::P::MarkdownInRoot from dist.ini
0.15.1 2013-11-21 16:59:45
- Added exception class function export
- Renamed placeholder state mutator to quote_bind_values
- Added placeholder quoting in inflate_message
0.14.1 2013-10-19 18:31:27
- Updated git hooks
- Type::Tiny exception class renamed RT#89410
0.13.1 2013-09-27 13:27:37
- Replaced Exporter::TypeTiny with Exporter::Tiny
0.12.1 2013-09-03 11:58:21
- ::TF::EC requires subclasses to call has_exception
0.11.4 2013-09-03 11:50:34
- Added ::TraitFor::ExceptionClasses
0.10.1 2013-08-26 22:34:17
- Terminate if MB version too low
0.9.1 2013-08-25 14:01:22
- Updated Build.PL template. Tests MB version
- Improved Devel::Cover scores
0.8.2 2013-08-24 00:56:57
- Bumped version to fix mad meta data
0.7.6 2013-08-16 22:45:20
- Raised min Perl ver to 5.10.1. Using //
- Lowered min Perl ver to 5.8
- Readded dependencies
- Switched to Dist::Zilla