Revision history for Tkx-Scrolled

0.06  (2010-05-24)
    - Update tests to be more robust.
    - Explicitly dual-license as Artistic and GPL.

0.05  (2009-08-28)
    - Don't try to use ttk scrollbars if tile isn't available.

0.04  (2009-08-25)
    - Kludge to prevent optional scrollbars from flickering in corner case.

0.03  (2009-08-24)
    - Added support for optional scrollbars

0.02  (2009-08-23)
    - Added -scrollbars option to control placement of scrollbars relative to
      the scrolled widget.

0.01  (2009-08-21)
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.