Release 0.5 2020-10-29
* added code to Github repo
* reworked Makefile.PL to reduce Makefile complexity and make dependencies known
* fix RT #14054: documentation issues, incl. sample code
* fix RT #130554: Undeclared configure_requires dependency Tk::MMutil
* improve POD and README
* minor code updates (replace use vars, use strict in Makefile)
Release 0.4 2005-06-30
* Applied a patch by Ingo Herschmann which fixes a bug with unquoted regexes
Release 0.3 2005-03-14
* Added support for current Perl/Tk version. (RT #7351)
* Minor metadata updates
Release 0.2 2003-04-08
* Added multi-match mode which allows auto-completion on a per-word
base instead of the all-or-nothing auto-completion in regular mode.
* Added -sortcmd callback which can be used to sort the choices array
instead of the default alphabetical sorting.
This change also includes the new options "-autosort" and
"-sorttrigger" as well as the new method "resort()".
* Added the "-matchprefix" option which allows matching a choice like by just typing or . See
documentation for examples.
* Added the "-wraparound" option which influences the behavior of
using the cursor up/down keys when already at begin/end of the
popup listbox. Also added two additional callbacks, "-bottomcmd"
and "-topcmd", which are called if the user presses cursor-down
while being already at bottom of the listbox, or presses
cursor-up while being at the top entry already, respectively.
* Please have a look at the documentation for details and examples.
Release 0.1 2003-01-30
* Improved support for case-insensitive matching, added 0/1-length callbacks
* added auto-completion and auto-popup functionality,
* added callbacks for enter and tab,
* basic keyboard event bindings done
* basic entry + listbox functionality added, based on Tk::BrowseEntry source
* Added POD, added <FocusOut> bind
* initial version/commit 2003/01/25 10:42:19