Revision history for Tie-Handle-TtyRec

0.04    2012-03-06
        allow streaming to named pipes (Jesse Luehrs)
        allow appending (Jesse Luehrs)
        fix error message (Jesse Luehrs)
        allow syswrite to work on these handles (Jesse Luehrs)

0.03    Sun Jun 14 14:59:00 2009
        Modernize the dist

0.02    Thu Dec 13 09:58:48 2007
        Localize $\ so we don't get unwanted characters in the ttyrec
        Autoflush so we don't end on an incomplete frame
        Make sure each frame has a length (ipbt gets cranky otherwise)

0.01    Sun Nov 11 19:56:07 2007
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.