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Test2::Tools::PerlCritic - Testing tools to enforce Perl::Critic policies


version 0.08


Original procedural interface:

use Test2::V0;
use Test2::Tools::PerlCritic;

perl_critic_ok ['lib','t'], 'test library files';


New OO interface:

use Test2::V0;
use Test2::Tools::PerlCritic ();
use Perl::Critic;

my $test_critic = Test2::Tools::PerlCritic->new({
  files     => ['lib','t'],
  test_name => 'test library_files',




Test for Perl::Critic violations using Test2. Although this testing tool uses the Test2 API instead of the older Test::Builder API, the primary motivation is to provide output in a more useful form. That is policy violations are grouped by policy class, and the policy class name is clearly displayed as a diagnostic. The author finds the former more useful because he tends to address one type of violation at a time. The author finds the latter more useful because he tends to want to lookup or adjust the configuration of the policy as he is addressing violations.



perl_critic_ok $path, \@options, $test_name;
perl_critic_ok \@path, \@options, $test_name;
perl_critic_ok $path, \%options, $test_name;
perl_critic_ok \@path, \%options, $test_name;
perl_critic_ok $path, $critic, $test_name;
perl_critic_ok \@path, $critic, $test_name;
perl_critic_ok $path, $test_name;
perl_critic_ok \@path, $test_name;
perl_critic_ok $path;
perl_critic_ok \@path;

Run Perl::Critic on the given files or directories. The first argument ($path or \@path) can be either the path to a file or directory, or a array reference to a list of paths to files and directories. If \@options or \%options are provided, then they will be passed into the Perl::Critic constructor. If $critic (an instance of Perl::Critic) is provided, then that Perl::Critic instance will be used instead of creating one internally. Finally the $test_name may be provided if you do not like the default test name.

Only a single test is run regardless of how many files are processed. this is so that the policy violations can be grouped by policy class across multiple files.

As a convenience, if the test passes then a true value is returned. Otherwise a false will be returned.

done_testing or the equivalent is NOT called by this function. You are responsible for calling that yourself.

Since we do not automatically call done_testing, you can call perl_critic_ok multiple times, but keep in mind that the policy violations will only be grouped in each individual call, so it is probably better to provide a list of paths, rather than make multiple calls.


my $test_critic = Test2::Tools::PerlCritic->new(\%properties);




List of files or directories. Directories will be recursively searched for Perl files (.pm, .pl and .t).


The Perl::Critic instance. One will be created if not provided.


The name of the test. This is used in diagnostics.




The method version works just like the functional version above, except it doesn't take any additional arguments.


$test_critic->add_hook($hook_name, \&code);

Adds the given hook. Available hooks:

$test_critic->add_hook(cleanup => sub ($test_critic, $global) {

This hook is called when the Test2::Tools::PerlCritic instance is destroyed.

If the hook is called during global destruction of the Perl interpreter, $global will be set to a true value.

This hook can be set multiple times.

$test_critic->add_hook(progressive_check => sub ($test_critic, $policy, $file, $count) {
  return $bool;

This hook is made available for violations in existing code when new policies are added. Passed in are the Test2::Tools::PerlCritic instance, the policy name, the filename and the number of times the violation was found. If the violations are from an old code base with grandfathered allowed violations, this hook should return true, and the violation will be reported as a note instead of diag and will not cause the test as a whole to fail. Otherwise the violation will be reported using diag and the test as a whole will fail.

This hook can only be set once.

$test_critic->add_hook(violations => sub ($test_critic, @violations) {

Each time violations are returned from "critique" in Perl::Critic, they are passed into this hook as a list. The order and grouping of violations may change in the future.


Test::Perl::Critic has been around longer, and probably does at least some things smarter. The fact that this module groups policy violations for all files by class means that it has to store more diagnostics in memory before sending them out en masse, where as Test::Perl::Critic sends violations for each file as it processes them. Test::Perl::Critic also comes with some code to optionally do processing in parallel. Some of these issues may or may not be addressed in future versions of this module.

Since this module formats it's output the -verbose option is ignored at the set_format value is ignored.




Graham Ollis <>


This software is copyright (c) 2019-2024 by Graham Ollis.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.