Revision history for Term::TablePrint

0.164   2024-10-28
        - Term::Choose minimum version 1.767.

0.163   2024-04-20
        - Term::Choose minimum version 1.764.
        - Update search prompt.
        - Return if the table has no columns.
        - Code refactoring.

0.162   2024-01-02
        - Don't prefix references with 'ref'.
        - Use a string instead of a 'qr' object to save the search regex.
        - Bugfix: deactivate 'hide_cursor' in the 'choose' functions.

0.161   2023-05-16
        - Option color: reset to normal at the end of a table field.

0.160   2023-04-30
        - binary_filter: use unmodified string.

0.159   2023-04-06
        - Bugfix in print_single_row.
        - Term::Choose minimum version 1.760.

0.158   2023-04-02
        - Bugfix CPAN test fail Perl 5.10: the substitution modifier 'r' was introduced only with Perl 5.14.

0.157   2023-03-26
        - Term::Choose minimum version 1.759.
        - Enable color in print_single_row.

0.156   2023-03-12
        - Bugfix validation option 'binary_filter'

0.155   2023-03-11
        - Bugfix documentation column alignment.
        - Option 'max_rows' disabled by default.
        - Update option 'binary_filter'.

0.154   2022-10-12
        - Bugfix formatting scientific notations.

0.153   2022-07-17
        - Code refactoring.

0.152   2022-07-12
        - Formatting numbers: bugfixes and updates.
        - Code refactoring.

0.151   2022-05-14
        - Search function: use the qr// operator.
        - Removed warnings for removed options.

0.150   2022-04-06
        - Search: 'readline' is now in Term::From::ReadLine.
        - Update year copyright.

0.149   2021-11-11
        - Raised Perl minimum version to 5.10.0.
        - Use '\v'.

0.148   2021-10-21
        - Refactored 'calc_avail_col_width'.

0.147   2021-10-18
        - Bugfix in 'cols_to_string'.

0.146   2021-10-18
        - New option 'trunc_frac_first'.
        - Search regex without 'qr'.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.145   2021-10-03
        - Columns with numbers: bugfix column width.
        - Code refactoring.

0.144   2021-10-02
        - Update validate_options.

0.143   2021-08-29
        - Adapt the code to the updated Term::Choose.

0.142   2021-08-24
        - Renamed the option 'f3' to 'search'.
        - 'Ctrl-F' instead of 'F3' to open the search prompt.
        - PageUP/PageDown: 'Ctrl-P'/'Ctrl-N' instead of 'Ctrl-B'/'Ctrl-F'.

0.141   2021-07-22
        - Update error handlng search function.

0.140   2021-07-11
        - Term::Choose minimum version 1.734.

0.139   2021-06-30
        - New options 'info', 'page' and 'keep'.
        _ Renamed 'table_name' to 'footer'.
        - Adapted the code to the updated Term::Form.

0.138   2021-06-22
        - use Carp again.
        - Adapt the code to the updated Term::Choose.

0.137   2021-06-17
        - F3: use env var TC_POS_AT_F3 to keep table position.

0.136   2021-06-11
        - Removed options 'grid' and 'keep_header'.

0.135   2021-06-10
        - Bugfix option 'grid'.

0.134   2021-06-04
        - Code cleanup.

0.133   2021-06-04
        - Code refactoring.
        - Removed option 'choose_columns'.
        - Update option 'table_expand'.

0.132   2021-04-25
        - Replace 'croak' with 'die'.

0.131   2021-04-06
        - Single table row output: skip separator lines.

0.130   2021-03-04
        - Option to filter table rows.

0.124   2021-01-01
        - Add bugracker info to the Makefile.PL.
        - Update year copyright.

0.123   2020-10-25
        - Term::Choose minimum version 1.712.
        - New option 'table_name'.

0.122   2020-03-12
        - Term::Choose::Util minimum version 0.117.

0.121   2020-03-08
        - Adapt the code to the updated Term::Choose.

0.120   2020-02-24
        - Experimental option 'table_name'.

0.119   2019-11-24
        - Update option 'color'.

0.118   2019-10-05
        - Refactored functional interface.

0.117   2019-09-05
        - Adapt the code to the updated Term::Choose.

0.116   2019-07-07
        - Use validate_options form Term::Choose.
        - Update handling options.
        - Removed DESTROY.

0.115   2019-07-05
        - Restored code.

0.114   2019-07-04
        - Removed automatic color reset.
        - DESTROY: call SHOW_CURSOR only if the option 'hide_cursor' is enabled.

0.113   2019-07-02
        - New option 'hide_cursor'.

0.112   2019-06-30
        - Option 'grid': new value 2.
        - Adapt code to work with the updated Term::Choose::LineFold::line_fold.

0.111   2019-05-09
        - Term::Choose minimum version 1.648.
        - Term::Choose::Util minimum version 0.072.

0.110   2019-05-06
        - Progressbar to the end of line.
        - Reset options to global even if no table is printed.

0.109   2019-03-29
        - Option 'grid' enabled by default.

0.108   2019-01-26
        - Use the whole terminal width

0.107   2019-01-20
        - MSWin32: always use "Win32::Console::ANSI".

0.106   2018-12-14
        - Bugfix in "single-row-print".

0.105   2018-12-14
        - Bugfix in "single-row-print": don't skipp columns with empty cells.

0.104   2018-12-09
        - Bugfix in regexp.
        - New option: 'decimal_separator'.
        - Update progress bar.

0.103   2018-11-28
        - 'choose_columns': by default all columns are chosen.

0.102   2018-11-28
        - Update of the format of numbers.

0.101   2018-11-24
        - Don't enable codepage mapping if 'color' is set to avoid two different defaults.

0.100   2018-11-23
        - New option 'color'.
        - New option 'codepage_mapping'.
        - Going back: no difference between empty and not-empty tables.
        - Changed defaults: 'squash_spaces' and 'max_rows'.
        - Update progress bar.

0.078   2018-11-00
        - 'squash_spaces' disabled by default.
        - Default 'progress_bar' to 50_000.

0.077   2018-11-12
        - Changed modification of list elements.
        - Removed "no warnings 'utf8'".
        - Update documentation.

0.076   2018-08-21
        - Use 'hide_cursor', 'show_cursor' and 'clear_screen' from "Term::Choose".
        - "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.626".

0.075_01   2018-08-18
        - Developer release.

0.075   2018-08-14
        - Don't hide the cursor if OS is Win32.
        - "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.624".

0.074   2018-08-14
        - Use OS specific clear_screen and hide_cursor.
        - "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.623".

0.073   2018-08-13
        - Little code changes.

0.072   2018-08-13
        - "Term::TablePrint" has now its own pure Perl progress bar module.

0.071   2018-08-11
        - Make "Term::ProgressBar" optional so that "Term::TablePrint" can be used as a pure Perl module.

0.070   2018-08-07
        - The Insert key goes back 25 pages, the Delete key goes forward 25 pages.
        - "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.621".

0.069   2018-07-15
        - Hide the cursor.
        - Bugfix in backup self.
        - The default for 'max_rows' is 100_000.
        - With 'max_rows' set: give "Term::ProgressBar" the right total.
        - "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.604".
        - "Term::Choose-Util": minimum version "0.066".

0.068   2018-07-06
        - New option 'squash_spaces'

0.067   2018-07-03
        - "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.600".
        - "Term::Choose::Util": minimum version "0.065".

0.066   2018-06-17
        - Changed 'no_spacebar' to 'meta_items'.
        - Removed deprecated option 'add_header'
        - Removed 'choose_columns' value-2-warning.
        - Backup self.

0.065   2018-04-20
        - Bugfix: wrong sprintf format in row limit.

0.064   2018-02-25
        - Use env var "tc_reset_auto_up" to reset auto-up if a key other than Enter was pressed.

0.063   2018-02-04
        - Bugfix: no output if one table row and "keep_header" enabled.

0.062   2018-01-24
        - Option "choose_columns": allow the user to reset the made choice.

0.061   2018-01-22
        - Option "add_header" is deprecated and will be removed.
        - Bugfix: don't let "max_rows" alter the user input.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.060   2018-01-16
        - Modified "Reached Limit" single row output.

0.059   2018-01-11
        - Bugfix: uninitialized value.

0.058   2018-01-11
        - Bugfix: // not yet available in Perl 5.8.

0.057   2018-01-10
        - Code refactoring.
        - Option "choose_columns" now is yes or no.
        - Passing a reference to an empty array causes a "Emty table" message instead croaking.
        - Bugfix option "table-expand".

0.056   2018-01-04
        - Print the column names if the table is empty.

0.055   2017-10-11
        - Bugfix: no empty row below header if is `grid` disabled.

0.054   2017-08-09
        - Code refactoring.
        - Fix option "grid".

0.053   2017-04-21
        - New option "grid".
        - Update documentation.

0.052   2017-03-01
        - Bugfix: return if too many columns.
        - Too many columns: update notification text.
        - Update year copyright.

0.051   2016-03-21
        - "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.504".
        - Rewrite the screen if the window size has changed.

0.050   2016-02-21
        - Bugfix prompt.
        - "Term::Choose": minimum version "1.500".
        - "Term::Choose::Util": minimum version "0.050".

0.026_01   2016-02-14
        - Bugfix: don't change the passed table-data.
        - Bugfix prompt.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Requires "Term::Choose::LineFold".
        - "Term::Choose": minimum verson "1.209_01".
        - "Term::Choose::Util": minimum version "0.030_01".

0.026   2016-02-07
        - Code cleanup.
        - Update year copyright.

0.025   2015-11-27
        - New option "prompt".

0.024   2015-08-17
        - Bugfix "table_expand".

0.023   2015-08-17
        - Use constant.
        - The option "table_expand" has now 3 different settings. The default behavior of this option has changed.

0.022   2015-01-25
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update year copyright.

0.021   2014-12-08
        - Perl minimum version: "5.8.3".
        - Replaced "\v" ("v" not yet available in Perl 5.8.3).
        - "Term::Choose::Util": minimum version "0.019".

0.020   2014-12-05
        - Replaced "\R" ("\R" not yet available in Perl 5.8.0).
        - "Term::Choose::Util": minimum version "0.018".

0.019   2014-09-24
        - Removed the feature added in the last developer release.
        - Update documentation.

0.018_01   2014-09-24
        - "print_table": if not called in void context returns the indexes of the chosen rows.
        - Update documentation.

0.018   2014-09-20
        - Show more progressbar if items > threshold * 2.

0.017   2014-09-06
        - Perl minimum version from "5.10.0" to "5.8.0".
        - Update documentation.

0.016   2014-08-16
        - Perl minimum version from "5.10.1" to "5.10.0".

0.015   2014-07-21
        - Update documentation.

0.014   2014-07-03
        - Keep also the old hash key name for a while.

0.013   2014-07-03
        - Renamed a hash key.

0.012   2014-05-30
        - Changed the behavior when "table_expand" and "keep_header" are enabled.
        - Update documentation.

0.011   2014-05-28
        - Changed behavior when "table_expand" and "keep_header" are enabled.
        - Update documentation.

0.010_01   2014-05-21
        - Added option "keep_header".
        - Update documentation.

0.010   2014-05-04
        - Update documentation.

0.009   2014-05-03
        - Improved documentation.

0.008   2014-04-22
        - Removed deprecated option "header_row".
        - Improved documentation.

0.007   2014-04-12
        - The option "add_header" replaces the option "header_row".
        - Update documentation.

0.006   2014-04-09
        - Update documentation.

0.005   2014-03-24
        - Bugfix in "max_rows".
        - Added the second "choose_columns" method to the documentation.
        - Update Makefile.PL.
        - Improved documentation.

0.004   2014-03-21
        - Fixed "max_rows".
        - Added option "choose_columns".
        - Added option "header_row".
        - Improved documentation.

0.003   2014-03-06
        - First stable release

0.002_01   2014-03-02
        - Added OO style.
        - Code refactoring.
        - Update documentation.

0.001_02   2014-03-02
        - Bugfix documentation.

0.001_01   2014-03-02
        - First release on CPAN.