Revision history for Perl module Template::Plugin::Date::FriendlyDelta

0.02 2015-10-21 ACORN
	- Transferred ownership to

0.02 2014-12-?? ACORN
    - Reformatted this file as per CPAN::Changes::Spec
    - Specified min perl version in code to 5.8.1, and changed MIN_PERL_VERSION
      from 5.10.1 to 5.8.1, since that's what's actually required
      (due to DateTime).
    - Added "use warnings"
    - If you "use base 'Template::Plugin::Filter'",
      then you don't need to "use Template::Plugin::Filter" as well.

0.01 2014-09-12 ACORN
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AX Template::Plugin::Date::FriendlyDelta