Release history for Perl module Simple::IPInfo

0.12 2017-07 ABBYPAN
    - fix originas different as's same ip range
    - speed up iterate_ipinfo
    - fix -i bug

0.10 2017-04- ABBYPAN
    - add iso3166 code support : country_code, area_code; and isp_code
    - add iterate_ipinfo for large file
    - use get_ipinfo for small file / arrayref, return arrayref but not hashref now
    - add reserve_inet option for get_ipinfo
    - add / /
    - "state -> country", "prov -> area"

0.06 2014-12-?? ABBYPAN
    - Added this Changes file
    - Added "use 5.008", since the module uses utf8, and added the
      requirement to the metadata as well.
    - Added "use strict" and "use warnings", plus minor tweaks so it
      will run without warnings.

0.05 2014-09-09 ABBYPAN
    - remove ^M
    - ask ip loc
    - ip loc parse script

0.04 2014-08-28 ABBYPAN
    - add asn example
    - link to GitHub from META files (Gabor Szabo++)
    - update read_table_ipinfo

0.03 2014-08-25 ABBYPAN

0.02 2014-08-14 ABBYPAN

0.01 2014-04-30 ABBYPAN
    - First release to CPAN