Revision history for RPi-StepperMotor

2.3605  2019-06-19
        - added new examples (multi-motor and fork)
        - added new name() feature so each motor object can have its own name
          (closes #1)
        - added ability to use an MCP23017 GPIO Expander to drive the motor
        - added blurb about how to identify clockwise operation from counter
          clockwise (closes #2)

2.3604  2018-03-14
        - Pi day!
        - added Fritzing breadboard layout/docs directory
        - added cleanup() to clean up pins after use

2.3603  2018-03-13
        - remove code that unsets the pins. This is the user's or
          RPi::WiringPi's responsibility
        - added new "stepper" binary, updated POD

2.3602  2018-03-13
        - fix unformatted SYNOPSIS

2.3601  2018-03-13
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.