Revision history for QMake-Project
0.85 2014-06-27
- Removed Readonly module as a dependency
0.84 2012-08-08
- New API, set_qmake() and qmake(); explicitly set qmake
- Prefer 'qmake' over 'qmake-qt5' or 'qmake-qt4' when automatically
discovering qmake
- Minor documentation fixes
0.83 2012-08-05
- New API, set_project_file(); makes it possible to directly
access .pro file without a qmake-generated Makefile
- Minor documentation cleanup
- Sign using Module::Signature
- Make Changes file abide by CPAN::Changes::Spec
0.82 2012-05-16
- Depend on perl 5.8.
0.81 2012-05-13
- Fixed "the meaning of -unix is unknown" warnings.
0.80 2012-05-07
- First version.
Ported from git:// b8fd6b71e5049617411f11cb7990a201e696bcd9