Summary of important user-visible changes for Pod::Weaver::Section::Legal::Complicated:
1.23 2017-04-13 17:00:43+01:00 Europe/London
* Fix typo on TestRequires prerequesites.
1.22 2017-02-01 20:32:45+00:00 Europe/London
* Made the testsuite available at install time which adds a
prerequesite on Software::Licences for test.
1.21 2013-04-07 15:25:48 Europe/Dublin
* Bug fix release for perl versions pre 5.14
1.20 2013-04-03 04:54:06 Europe/Dublin
* We are now able to capture years from the OWNER part which is used on the
legal text.
* The text in the COPYRIGHT section has changed slightly.
* The POD sections AUTHOR and COPYRIGHT are now independent sections, instead
of 2 subsections under LEGAL.
* Trailing whitespace from the captured text is now ignored.
1.00 2013-03-22 18:26:00 Europe/Dublin
* Initial release.