# Changes for Pod::Strip

1.100     2021-01-10 18:41:21+01:00
    - dist housekeeping, Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::DOMM

1.02    2006-03-20
  - changed to 'traditional' Makefile.PL creation (easier install)
    (suggested by Alexandre Masselot <olav@genebio.com>)
  - clarified and updated some docs

1.01    2005-11-07
  - removed typo in docs (RT #15392 reported by schubiger@cpan.org)

1.00    2004-10-05
  - first release to CPAN
  - added license to Build.PL
  - some more changes in Build.PL

0.02    2004-09-30
  - added replace_with_comments, based on patches submitted by
    John McNamara <jmcnamara@cpan.org>

0.01    2004-04-29
  - updated docs, tests, MANIFEST, etc

0.00    2004-09-28
- initial version, done with Module::Starter and some manual tweaking