Pinwheel News
Version 0.2.6
* Fixed database reconnection bug
Version 0.2.5
* Added documentation for the Pinwheel::Cache module
* The caching backend is now an object and should implement the Cache::Cache API
* Wrote three built-in caching backend modules: Null, Cache, Memcached
* Added new 'test' and 'setup_test_db' actions to Pinweel application build scripts.
Version 0.2.4
* Added JSON with HTML syntax highlighting to data view.
Version 0.2.3
* Fixed eager loading of models that use single table inheritance.
* Die when unable to find an appropriate class for single table inheritance.
Version 0.2.2
* Fixed bug where redirects wouldn't work under mod_perl if non-port 80 was used.
Version 0.2.1
* Separate perl-Pinwheel and perl-Pinwheel-devel packages.
* Added Module::Build::PinwheelApp module to help build pinwheel applications.
Version 0.2.0
* Added Pinwheel:: namespace to modules.
* Renamed Helpers::Common to Pinwheel::Helpers.
* Bug fixes for tests when warnings are turned on.
* Added Module::Build based build system.
Version 0.1.0
* First version extrated from the APS project.