Revision history for Perl module Perl::PrereqInstaller

0.6.2 2014-08-17

  - Fix testing bug

0.6.1 2014-08-16

  - Only create if './Build.PL --readme'

0.6.0 2014-08-16

  - Merge file scanning and directory scanning
  - Add report() method to summarize scan/install results
  - Turn off most of the output with quiet mode option
  - Expand file types analyzed in directories to .pl/.pm/.cgi/.psgi/.t
  - For files larger than PPI:Tokenizer's 1 MB limit, scan code in 0.5 MB chunks
  - Catch and report scan warnings
  - Add tests for summary reports
  - Update and revise documentation
  - And more little stuff
  - Happy CPAN Day!

0.5.0 2014-07-28

  - Switch from Module::Extract::Use to Perl::PrereqScanner
  - Rename Module::Extract::Install to Perl::PrereqInstaller
  - Rename cpanm-missing(-deep) to install-perl-prereqs(-deep)

0.4.4 2014-07-23

  - Track build status with Travis CI
  - Track coverage status with
  - Add tests for deep module checking

0.4.3 2014-07-23

  - Add tests

0.4.2 2014-07-15

  - Add dry-run option for cpanm-missing(-deep)
  - Avoid situations that cause errors and warnings

0.4.1 2014-07-14

  - Add check_modules_deep() example to synopsis

0.4.0 2014-07-14

  - Traverse directory to install missing modules with check_modules_deep()
  - Traverse directory to install missing modules via CLI with 'cpanm-missing-deep'
  - Add help & version options for cpanm-missing(-deep)

0.3.2 2014-07-14

  - Add App::cpanminus as a dependency

0.3.1 2014-07-14

  - Reformat cpanm-missing output

0.3.0 2014-07-14

  - Install missing modules via command line with 'cpanm-missing'

0.2.0 2014-07-14

  - Track new and failed installations
  - Analyze multiple files with single call
  - Changed method names

0.1.0 2014-07-14

  - Install uninstalled modules explicitly loaded by a Perl script or module