Revision history for Perl-Critic-Policy-Perlsecret
v0.0.11 2017-01-05
        Fix for false positives in Venus detection identified by otrosien
        Issue #16
v0.0.10 2016-10-19
        Fix for false positive Abbott and Costello bug identified by Sawyer
        Issue #14 from Github
v0.0.9  2016-10-04
        Updated the TravisCI and Dzil code.
v0.0.8  2016-10-15
        - Added Pod.
        - Bug fix with new disallow code.
        - Typo in description removed.
v0.0.7  2016-10-04
        - Config allows overriding so specific secrets can be allowed.
v0.0.6  2016-07-29
        - Rewrite using PPI properly
v0.0.5  2016-07-29
        - Released in error as 0.0.6
v0.0.4  2014-09-14
v0.0.3  2014-09-11
        - Migrating to Dist::Zilla
v0.0.2  2014-09-09
        - Fixing some Kwalitee issues
v0.0.1  2014-08-16
        - Initial Release