The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
0.008     2017-10-28 18:08:42+01:00 Europe/Lisbon

    * Update tests (SREZIC++ for reports).

0.007     2017-10-27 11:35:45+01:00 Europe/Lisbon

    * Enconding (utf-8) tweaks.
    * Update tests.
    * Updates concerning new results from the API.

0.006     2017-08-30 10:08:38+01:00 Europe/Lisbon

    * Add tf option to command line tool.
    * Add morph analysis (ambs++).

0.005     2017-07-16 15:06:13+01:00 Europe/Lisbon

    * Skip tests if no data is retrieved.

0.004     2017-07-10 16:31:00+01:00 Europe/Lisbon

    * Add tf method for term frequency.
    * Add stopwords method.

0.003     2017-05-05 11:31:05+01:00 Europe/Lisbon

    * Encode text to bytes before post.
    * Add more tests.
    * Update readme.

0.002     2017-01-26 11:45:07+00:00 Europe/Lisbon

    * Improve documentation.
    * Add more examples.
    * Minor bug fixes.

0.001     2017-01-25 11:37:22+00:00 Europe/Lisbon

    * Initial release.