Revision history for Perl extension Object::Container
0.16 2022-07-02T19:23:15+09:00
- Support Perl5.6 again.(Accidentally removed on 0.15)
- Add latest Perl version in CI
0.15 2022-06-25T14:42:25+09:00
- Support cpanfile
- Add github workflows
- Confirm hash key before registration
- Fix typo
0.14 2010-12-21T19:42:25+09:00
- added has_instance method for old version compatible (xaicron++)
0.13 2010-12-13T11:31:33+09:00
- added autoload future.
- autoload implementation is currently experimental phase so not documented yet.
0.12 2010-10-31T16:19:09+09:00
- moved require test for Exporter::AutoClean to compile time
0.11 2010-10-14T10:50:55+09:00
- do some workarounds for perl 5.8.x
0.10 2010-10-13T15:15:52+09:00
- fixed a test for environment where is not installed Exporter::AutoClean
0.09 2010-10-12T20:33:36+09:00
- added preload_* functions in subclass interface, and also added load_* methods.
- remove dependency on Class::Singleton, Data::Util, and Exporter::AutoClean. Exporter::AutoClean is in 'recommends' section (lestrrat++)
- added hashref interface for register method also supported preload option (xaicron++)
0.09_01 2010-10-05T00:18:21+09:00
- preload interface test #1
0.0802 2010-04-18T10:55:40+09:00
- add missing prereqs (no code change)
0.0801 2010-04-16T23:53:08+09:00
- fixed previous version bug that forgot to remove Any::Moose from testcase
0.08 2010-04-15T13:39:23+09:00
- no depends Mo(o|u)se, change to depends on Class::Accessor::Fast. (zigorou++)
0.07 2010-04-04T22:26:03+09:00
- don't unregister previously registered class automatically when newer register is called
0.06 2010-02-18T20:52:58+09:00
- add unregister and remove method
0.05001 2009-11-24T10:43:02+09:00
- fix pod (RT: #51859)
0.05 2009-09-04T11:39:11+09:00
- fix 0.04 doesn't die when getting unregister objects
0.04 2009-09-03T21:34:25+09:00
- use Carp
- return nothing if it comes getting unregistered object
0.03002 2009-07-29T12:23:30+09:00
- fixed a bug throwing wrong error message when getting unregistered classes
0.03001 2009-07-16T19:54:28+09:00
- pass $self to initializer
0.03 2009-07-16T16:05:25+09:00
- added subclass interface
0.02001 2009-07-09T19:07:45+09:00
- enable to get Object::Container via export function when it comes to no arguments.
0.02 2009-07-09T18:41:54+09:00
- added feature to export singleton interface
0.01001 2009-05-01T10:27:33+09:00
- fix japanese pod name section to avoid CPAN indexer
0.01 2009-04-30T16:52:37+09:00
- initial version