Change history for OPM::Repository
1.0.0 2022-04-14 10:30:00
+ switched to PERLSRVDE Dist::Zilla bundle
+ updated documentation
0.09 2017-11-16
+ fix tests
0.08 2017-11-16
+ add "details" option to list() to get a list of available addons with more details (name, version, url)
+ add documentation for list() method
0.07 2017-11-05
+ fix dist (updated dist.ini)
0.06 2017-11-05
+ Allow file:// protocol for repositories
0.05 2014-01-21
+ fix test failures on Win32
0.04 2014-01-20
+ better handling for invalid URLs and invalid XML
+ add tests
+ fix test failures on Win32 (Regexp::Common doesn't recognize file://C:/dir/test.xml as valid file-URI)
0.03 2014-01-03
+ fix min required version of List::Util
+ add feature: list names of all packages
+ added metainfo to dist.ini
0.02 2014-01-02
+ add feature: search for a specific version of a module
+ use PodWeaver plugin for dzil
0.01 2014-01-01
+ initial release