Revision history for Net-IANA-Services
0.004000 2014-05-12 18:10:01-05:00 America/Chicago
* Cleanup synopsis formatting
0.003002 2012-09-11 23:40:55 America/Chicago
* Put lookahead/behinds on the "big" service regex, not just the specific protocol ones!
0.003001 2012-09-11 23:05:39 America/Chicago
* Generate files with normal YAML instead of YAML::XS since it generates files that are
causing problems on cpantesters
* Recommend YAML::XS since loading the module is extremely slow with normal YAML!
0.003000 2012-09-10 21:07:15 America/Chicago
* Sub examples now correctly indicate undef instead of empty refs
* Don't use Dumper since it creates regexes that are only compatable with perls > 5.14
* Change service regex so they work without additional anchors
0.002000 2012-09-10 07:09:44 America/Chicago
* Test the examples
* Don't generate the massive port pod -- not very useful
* Fix inconsistencies in examples
* Fix bad examples
* Subroutines respect wantarray
* 'Has' subroutines actually use the optional protocol if it's given
* Port regex makes sure the leading char isn't a negative symbol
0.001000 2012-09-09 09:47:08 America/Chicago
* Initial version