Revision history for Net-Hadoop-YARN

0.203 2017-12-07 BURAK
    - Expand automatic history collection
    - Kerberos support (ciranor).

0.202 2016-11-08 BURAK
    - Patch for the CDH5.8.2 RM redirect bugfix.

0.201 2016-09-26 BURAK
    - Document active_rm()
    - JMX helpers + User apps interface for RM.
    - Fix the Appmaster error message to display the mismatching pattern.

0.100 2016-07-22 BURAK
    - Collect and return the targeted REST host in the stats.
    - New method active_rm() to locate the active Resource Manager in HA-pairs

0.004 2016-06-06 BURAK
    - Minor fixes.

0.002 2015-05-31 DMOR

0.001 2015-05-18 DMOR