Revision history for Net-Gemini

0.10    2024-03-18
        gmitool "get" supports -4 and -6 flags to select a protocol.

0.09    2023-11-30
        gmitool "link" now supports -r to only show relative links,
        and only applies -b (base) if that is supplied. Add tests for
        these flags.

0.08    2023-06-29
        Use IO::Socket::IP for better IPv6 support. Break the verify_ssl
        callback, again, passing a hash reference of details. Notably
        the IP address of the peer is now included, and the IP is also
        available via the ip accessor. Break the "digest" such that it
        is now compatible with how amfora calculates it. Removed the
        early_shutdown thing. More tests, bugfixes, etc.

0.07    2023-06-23
        Add a gemini_request function that handles redirection and
        content collection. Break the content accessor to instead
        contain something that gemini_request maybe does. More tests,
        bugfixes, etc.

0.06    2023-05-29
        Break the verify_ssl callback interface; the certificate
        notBefore date is now also passed. With 'tofu' set no hostname
        verification is done.

0.05    2023-04-11
        Somehow had gone AWOL, and other bugfixes. Parse for
        charset and encode to UTF-8 by default in gmitool, and add a
        flag to only show the links from text/gemini content.

0.04    2023-04-02
        Sneakily rely on for URL handling. Add a bin/gmitool
        utility script, gets gemini resources. Various breaking
        interface changes. Better ensure that the socket gets closed
        when not needed.

0.03    2022-10-27
        Set a minimum bar on IO::Socket:SSL for can_ipv6. Disable
        automatic build on Windows due to test failures.

0.02    2022-10-25
        Various network tests as expected are not portable, require
        AUTHOR_TEST_JMATES for these and note that they're rigged up
        only for OpenBSD. Fix missing IO::Socket::SSL require.

0.01    2022-10-24
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.