Revision history for Net::Backpack
1.15 2016-04-11 MANWAR
* Tidied up pod document partly.
* Added section "REPOSITORY" to the pod document.
* Added standard 00-load.t test script.
* Updated MANIFEST file.
* Removed '+x' attribute from the Build.PL script.
* Removed '+x' attribute from the MANIFEST file.
* Removed '+x' attribute from the README.xml file.
* Updated Changes file.
* Updated .gitignore file.
1.14 2008-07-13 dave
* [r29] lib/Net/
Changed email address.
Incremented version number.
* [r28] Build.PL, lib/Net/
Added license heading to satisfy CPANTS.
Incremented version number.
* [r27] t/Net-Backpack.t:
Tidied test
1.13 2007-11-12 dave
* [r26] lib/Net/
Added ssl patches from Darren Chamberlain
1.12 2007-05-07 dave
* [r25] lib/Net/
Added lists patch from Jeff Stautz
* [r24] MANIFEST:
1.11 2006-05-28 dave
* [r23] lib/Net/
Fixed pod
* [r22] lib/Net/
Gave user the option to override ForceArray value.
* [r21] lib/Net/
Added 'ForceArray => 1' to XMLin call.
1.08 2005-10-01 dave
* [r19] lib/Net/
Corrected some docs.
* [r18] MANIFEST:
Added pod tests
* [r17] t/pod.t, t/pod_coverage.t:
Added pod tests.
1.07 2005-07-31 dave
* [r15] lib/Net/
Added CVS tags
* [r14] lib/Net/
Added neshura's huge patch. Yay neshura!
* [r13] t/Net-Backpack.t:
Adjusted the skips
* [r12] lib/Net/
Added more methods. Page API now complete.
0.02 2005-05-24 dave
* [r11] Build.PL, MANIFEST, lib/Net/
Fixed MANIFEST, added Build.PL.
* [r10] Makefile.PL:
Removed Makefile.PL (now generated by Build.PL)
* [r9] lib/Net/
Used the mini-templates throughout the module.
* [r8]
* [r7] t/Net-Backpack.t:
Skip rather than fail if BACKPACK_USER and BACKPACK_TOKEN aren't set
* [r6] MANIFEST, lib/Net/, t/Net-Backpack.t:
Started to implement templating system for building requests.
0.01 2005-05-18 dave
* [r2] MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README.xml, lib, lib/Net,
lib/Net/,, t, t/Net-Backpack.t:
Initial revision
* [r1]: New repository initialized by cvs2svn.