Revision history for MooseX-Aliases

0.11  2013-07-12
      - Doc fixes. (Toby Inkster, #4)
      - Packaging cleanup.
      - Drop old backcompat code for Moose < 2.00.

0.10  2011-04-29
      - Make constructor argument aliases work for attributes in roles (ether,

0.09  2011-02-09
      - Update Moose dep to make 'use MooseX::Aliases' work properly in roles.
      - New Dist::Zilla stuff.
      - The test suite now uses Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception (Karen
      - Forward compat for Moose inlining changes

0.08  2010-01-17
      - Fix metarole usage for new role metarole interface (autarch).

0.07  2009-12-04
      - Add dep on Test::Exception

0.06  2009-12-04
      - Aliased init_args now work for immutable classes.

0.05  2009-09-22
      - Switched the order of the arguments to the alias function. Existing
        code should continue to work, with a warning, for now. This will be
        removed sometime in the future.
      - Fixed calling a wrong method when trying to throw an error.

0.04  2009-09-21
      - Aliases should get the package name of the class they're defined in,
        not of the class where the aliased method is from

0.03  2009-09-08
      - Do aliasing correctly - use late binding so aliases that get overridden
        in subclasses work properly

0.02  2009-09-03
      - Attribute aliases now also allow the alias to be used as a constructor

0.01  2009-08-15
      - Initial release