Revision history for MooX-StrictConstructor

0.013   2024-10-18
  - fixed extends not being cleaned up by "no Moo"
  - rename internal role used to be in under the namespace of the main module
  - fix the reported location of the error to be the caller
  - fix object being partially constructed before checking arguments
  - add -late option, allowing non-attribute arguments to be handled in BUILD

0.012   2024-10-16
  - drop strictures prerequisite
  - minor Pod cleanups
  - revise Dist::Zilla packaging

0.011   2020-03-10
  - Switched from Carp::confess to die in order to avoid leaking
    sensitive data via stack traces. The previous behavior can be
    enabled in an application by using Carp::Always.  Thanks

0.010   2018-03-25
  - Undo the previous "fix" for the minimum perl version.
    The basic requirement is for 5.004 but the tests require

0.009   2018-03-24
  - Built using current Dist::Zilla, so various things
    are better, e.g. includes a LICENSE.
  - A couple of things that are only used in xt tests
    used to be test requirements, now their develop
  - No longer includes explicit dependencies on a handful
    of modules (e.g. indirect) that Moo's use of strictures
    used to require.
  - Now only includes a Makefile.PL.
  - The build now includes a cpanfile in the repo.
  - The minimum perl version is now consistent between the
    Makefile.PL and the META.{yml,json} files.

0.008   2015-05-11
  - Improve the POD about bugs and incompatibilities.

0.007   2015-05-03
  - Ask dzil to build me a Makefile.PL too.
  - Include Tim Bunce's efficiency and error messaging
  - Typos in POD and README.

0.006   2013-05-09
  - Merged Graham Knop's fix for applying StrictConstructor to a
    class that extends other classes.

0.005   2013-04-17
  - give [even] more explicit credit for code snippets copied
    from DROLSKY's (MooseX::StrictConstructor) and HAARG's
    (MooX::InsideOut) packages.

0.004   2013-04-14
  - specify Moo version 1.001000, should fix CPANTesters problems.

0.003   2013-04-14
  - Fix pod formatting
  - Add github metadata to META.*

0.002   2013-04-13
  - Change license from none to Perl_5.

0.001   2013-04-13
  - Initial release, based on ideas from haag and tobyink on
    #moose irc channel.