History for Mojolicious::Plugin::I18NUtils

0.21 2019-03-16 21:49:00

  * Add documentation

0.20 2017-06-07

  * Documentation for currency() was wrong. Thanks to dmanto for filing the bug (#9)

0.19 2015-11-17

  * add browser_languages to get the languages defined in Accept-Language header
  * if locale/language is omitted in the method calls, it gets the language via browser_languages
  * added tests for new behaviour

0.18 2015-09-24

  * Need CLDR::Number 0.16 now (thanks to Nova Patch)
  * fixed tests for new CLDR::Number version (thanks to Nova Patch)
  * added more tests for 'at_least'

0.17 2015-09-22

  * fix one test that was broken by the new CLDR v28 data, as provided in CLDR::Number v0.13.  (thanks to Nova Patch)

0.16 2015-09-03

  * fix documentation of 'at_least' (thanks to Nova Patch)

0.15 2015-08-31

  * Tests were failing due to a new version of CLDR::Number. Those are fixed now (thanks to Nova Patch).

0.14 2015-03-01

  * use "%d/%m/%Y" as default format which is (kind of) more natural than "%Y.%m.%d".
  * return '' for invalid dates

0.13 2014-12-31

  * add date_from_to to convert from one format to another one (e.g. format %d.%m.%Y to %Y-%m-%d)

0.12 2014-12-29

  * added helper: locale_obj
  * added class for locale strings

0.11 2014-12-21

  * in date and datetime helpers the language setting was case sensitive. Now ar_sa and ar_SA returns the same value

0.10 2014-12-20

  * accept reference to options for 'currency' to be able to format for 'cash'

0.09 2014-12-19

  * add helper 'at_least'

0.08 2014-12-18

  * add helper 'range'

  * document currency, decimal, range

0.07 2014-12-16

  * add helper 'decimal' to format numbers (using CLDR::Number)

0.06 2014-12-15

  * add helper 'currency' to format currency strings (using CLDR::Number)

0.05 2014-12-11

  * use Mojo::Base instead of "parent" (thanks Красимир Беров - github: kberov, PAUSE: BEROV)

0.04 2014-12-11

  * re-release as 0.03 included too many files

0.03 2014-12-11

  * gain more speed thanks to state variables (thanks Красимир Беров - github: kberov, PAUSE: BEROV)

0.02 2014-12-10

  * Fix bug in Pod

0.01_1  2014-12-10

      * initial release