0.06  2015-01-10 17:04:00 EST
    - Change log entry for the next version

v0.05 2015-01-10

    6378f19 bump version to 0.05
    4921cb4 Additional README.md formatting tweaks, for gh index page
    0d99bf3 Attempts to fix formatting issues in README.md for gh wiki markup
    b3a29f3 fix syntax in renee's patch, all tests pass again.
    4c1b049 Adds Mojolicious to dependencies for carton install
    bbcd2dd Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/reneeb/Mojolicious-Plugin-ConfigSimple
    77dcbfb use lib cpanfile's local path, add Mojolicious to deps
    a2c0403 Don't rely on the order of stanzas
    8df96b1 Bumps version to 0.04
    b6d12bc Adds perldoc to README, copyright notice to perldoc
    1a40e4d v0.03 -- wantarray returns $app->config, and $cfg
    21c2771 Adds README and LICENSE to MANIFEST
    f4e744c Add build artifacts to .gitignore
    35ff60d Adds acknowledgements to README.md
    0473816 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/hesco/Mojolicious-Plugin-ConfigSimple
    f322f3f Initial commit
    7428ffd Version 0.01 Mojolicious::Plugin::ConfigSimple