The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Distributions Which Depend on Module-Load
River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents Mail-Milter-Authentication-3.20240701 A Perl Mail Authentication Milter 01 Jul 2024 04:17:27 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Sisimai-v5.1.0 Mail Analyzing Interface for bounce mails. 01 Jul 2024 03:25:30 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Term-Output-List-0.06 output an updateable list of ongoing jobs 24 Jun 2024 18:34:17 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 5 total dependents Parse-Syslog-Line-5.3 Simple syslog line parser 20 Jun 2024 21:10:58 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent App-Netdisco-2.076005 An open source web-based network management tool. 20 May 2024 18:19:33 UTC
River stage two • 10 direct dependents • 11 total dependents Finance-Quote-1.62 Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges 17 May 2024 01:20:01 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Excel-ValueReader-XLSX-1.14 extracting values from Excel workbooks in XLSX format, fast 16 May 2024 07:56:41 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Resource-Silo-0.14 lazy declarative resource container for Perl. 15 May 2024 17:20:02 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 4 total dependents Carp-Object-1.02 a replacement for Carp or Carp::Clan, object-oriented 04 May 2024 20:55:24 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents DBIx-DataModel-3.11 UML-based Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework 28 Apr 2024 18:47:41 UTC
River stage three • 71 direct dependents • 186 total dependents Module-Patch-0.278 Patch package with a set of patches 17 Apr 2024 09:05:11 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent App-DzilUtils-0.120 Collection of CLI utilities for Dist::Zilla 17 Apr 2024 08:48:46 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Dancer2-Plugin-JobScheduler-0.006 Plugin for Dancer2 web app to send and query jobs in different job schedulers 24 Mar 2024 20:17:05 UTC
River stage zero No dependents App-ElasticSearch-Utilities-8.8 Utilities for Monitoring ElasticSearch 13 Mar 2024 03:35:06 UTC
River stage four • 2175 direct dependents • 6287 total dependents libwww-perl-6.77 The World-Wide Web library for Perl 11 Mar 2024 00:58:25 UTC
River stage zero No dependents upfiles-16 Upload files to a remote FTP server. 20 Feb 2024 05:53:00 UTC
River stage one • 6 direct dependents • 6 total dependents Date-Holidays-1.36 Date::Holidays::* adapter and aggregator for all your holiday needs 11 Feb 2024 16:36:51 UTC
River stage three • 48 direct dependents • 189 total dependents YAML-PP-v0.38.0 YAML 1.2 Processor 29 Jan 2024 23:29:38 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Games-Axmud-2.0.002 Axmud, a modern Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) client written in Perl5 / Gtk3 23 Jan 2024 11:29:49 UTC
River stage two • 9 direct dependents • 49 total dependents Data-Unixish-1.573 Implementation for Unixish, a data transformation framework 09 Jan 2024 00:05:33 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MIKKOI-0.001 BeLike::MIKKOI when you build your dists 31 Dec 2023 21:59:10 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Database-ManagedHandle-0.003 Manage database handles safely for long running processes 26 Dec 2023 18:55:37 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent TheSchwartz-JobScheduler-0.002 Lightweight TheSchwartz job dispatcher with maintained database connections 25 Dec 2023 20:08:58 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Plack-Middleware-Greylist-v0.7.2 throttle requests with different rates based on net blocks 22 Dec 2023 10:03:07 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 3 total dependents Test-Database-Temp-0.003 Create temporary test databases and run tests in all available ones 21 Dec 2023 20:34:10 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 4 total dependents Database-Temp-0.003 Create an ad-hoc database which drops itself automatically 19 Dec 2023 21:28:56 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Net-Statsd-Lite-v0.7.1 A lightweight StatsD client that supports multimetric packets 12 Dec 2023 15:28:28 UTC
River stage zero No dependents PayProp-API-Public-Client-0.04 PayProp API Public Client 07 Dec 2023 08:07:06 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Database-Async-0.019 database interface for use with IO::Async 04 Dec 2023 15:20:06 UTC
River stage zero No dependents School-Code-Compare-0.201 'naive' metrics for code similarity 12 Nov 2023 10:17:50 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Blockchain-Ethereum-ABI-0.015 ABI utility for encoding/decoding ethereum contract arguments 09 Nov 2023 04:45:38 UTC
River stage two • 10 direct dependents • 13 total dependents Org-Parser-0.561 Parse Org documents 06 Nov 2023 02:04:51 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Lab-Measurement-Legacy-3.904 Test and measure with Perl (legacy modules) 19 Oct 2023 17:20:42 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Lab-Measurement-3.901 Test and measure with Perl 19 Oct 2023 16:58:46 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent App-ListSoftwareLicenses-0.080 List all Software::License's 29 Sep 2023 23:09:49 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GenPericmdScript-0.425 Generate Perinci::CmdLine script 28 Sep 2023 00:05:44 UTC
River stage one • 2 direct dependents • 2 total dependents Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Acme-CPANModules-Blacklist-0.002 Blacklist prereqs using an Acme::CPANModules module 15 Sep 2023 00:05:37 UTC
River stage one • 3 direct dependents • 4 total dependents App-rimetadb-0.226 Manage a Rinci metadata database 13 Sep 2023 00:06:02 UTC
River stage three • 262 direct dependents • 267 total dependents Bencher-Backend-1.063 Backend for Bencher 01 Sep 2023 00:05:33 UTC
River stage two • 16 direct dependents • 55 total dependents Text-ANSITable-0.609 Create nice formatted tables using extended ASCII and ANSI colors 13 Jul 2023 23:13:58 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent App-PMUtils-0.744 Command-line utilities related to Perl modules 28 Jun 2023 00:05:46 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 6 total dependents DBIx-RunSQL-0.24 run SQL from a file 09 Jun 2023 06:28:18 UTC
River stage one • 6 direct dependents • 9 total dependents OpenTracing-Implementation-v0.33.2 Use OpenTracing with a specific implementation 07 Jun 2023 12:46:44 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent MooseX-Extended-0.35 Extend Moose with safe defaults and useful features 06 Jun 2023 04:43:25 UTC
River stage two • 41 direct dependents • 41 total dependents Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable-1.30 extended simple IRC bot for pluggable modules 13 Mar 2023 16:49:08 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Crypt-LE-0.39 Let's Encrypt (and other ACME-based) API interfacing module and client. 12 Mar 2023 22:10:15 UTC
River stage two • 1 direct dependent • 20 total dependents Devel-Deprecations-Environmental-1.101 deprecations for your code's surroundings 17 Feb 2023 20:44:53 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Graphics-Grid-0.001 An incomplete port of the R "grid" library to Perl 04 Feb 2023 14:53:56 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Chart-GGPlot-0.002003 ggplot2 port in Perl 04 Feb 2023 14:23:50 UTC
River stage one • 4 direct dependents • 4 total dependents LWP-Authen-OAuth2-0.20 Make requests to OAuth2 APIs. 16 Jan 2023 16:30:20 UTC
322 results (0.03 seconds)