0.05 2023-11-27T17:34:28+01:00
 - Fix use lib '.' in Makefile.PL.
 - Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
 - Improve SYNOPSIS section in doc.
 - Move bugtracker to github.
 - Rewrite List::MoreUtils to List::Util.
 - Rewrite example files to better names.
 - Update Module::Install to 1.21 version.
 - Update author github username.
 - Update author name.
 - Update copyright years.

0.04 2015-10-06T09:29:19+02:00
 - Fix comment (thanks Mohammad S Anwar).
 - Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
 - Improve SEE ALSO section in doc.
 - Move author tests to xt/ directory.
 - Rewrite B<> to C<> on subroutines and variables.
 - Update Module::Install to 1.16 version.
 - Update copyright years.

0.03 2014-11-09T03:24:25+01:00
 - Fix JOHN to John.
 - Fix NATASHA to Natasha.
 - Fix tests for 3/4 word names.
 - Update Module::Install to 1.14 version.

0.02 2014-07-24T08:14:53+02:00
 - Fix list of last names.

0.01 2014-07-21T14:53:00+02:00
 - First version.