Revision history for Media-Type-Simple
v0.31.0 2015-01-10
- Corrected is_ext() usage in POD [Russell Jenkins].
- Minor updates to POD.
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed RT 66513 [Russell Jenkins].
- Use Storable's dclone instead of freeze/thaw.
[Other Changes]
- Fixed license in Makefile.PL to make CPANTS happy.
- Test::NoWarnings is replaced by Test::Warnings, and is optional
(and only used for author testing).
- Removed minimum version of version, since some toolchains get
confused by this.
- Removed redundant test of module load.
- Minor tweaks to test scripts.
v0.30.6 2014-06-18
- Added missing requirements to POD and README.
[Other Changes]
- Minor changes to tests.
- Uses Exporter::Lite instead of Sub::Exporter.
v0.30.4 2014-06-17
- Corrected typo in Changes.
- Minor changes to POD.
[Other Changes]
- Added test for RT #46475.
- Added missing dependency as per RT #96393 [Martin McGrath].
- Fixed typo of git repo URL in Makefile.PL [Martin McGrath].
v0.30.2 2014-06-05
- Fixed missing prerequisite.
v0.30.1 2014-06-05
[Compatability Changes]
- Changed to use tuple versioning.
- Requires Perl v5.10.0.
[Bug Fixes]
- Fix for RT #46475 by installing data file with the distribution.
- Changes conform to CPAN::Meta::Changes spec.
- Removed INSTALLATION and VERSION sections from POD.
- Corrected typos in POD.
[Other Changes]
- Removed QA tests from the distro but keep them in the git repo.
- Uses Module::Install for the Makefile.PL.
0.03 2009-03-25
- removed MIME::Type::Simple stub.
- minor updates of documentation.
- minor updates to MIME types.
0.02 2009-01-26
- Renamed to Media::Type::Simple.
- Changed distro to Makemaker-based since Module::Build cannot.
- handle locally-scoped package declarations.
- Additional documentation (mostly internal).
- Removed undocumented or oo-only methods from default exports.
- Changes to MIME types, esp. removed those w/out extensions.
0.01 2009-01-22
- First version of MIME::Type::Simple.