Written by:
Sullivan Beck (sbeck@cpan.org)
Any suggestions, bug reports, or donations :-) should be sent to me.
1.21 2019-03-15
- Removed warning with newer versions of perl
1.20 2016-10-03
- Added some examples to the docs that illustrate trailing zero handling.
Christopher King
- Change addSF/subSF to return undef if any non-numeric argument is passed in.
- Corrected how 0 (and 0.00, etc.) significant figures are counted and used
- Now supports exponentials
- Fixed a bug where subtracting numbers very close to each other gave
incorrect results. Richard Spinney
- Return numbers in their simplest form (without trailing decimal points
when they are not required)
1.10 2015-07-10
- Switched test suite to Test::Inter
- Changed HISTORY file to new Changes specification.
- Put repository on GitHub. Gabor Szabo
- Improved POD documentation formatting.
- Improved test suite (and made a number of simplifications to the module)
based on Devel::Cover. Test suite now has 100% coverage.
1.09 2009-09-24
- FormatSigFigs will preserve a '+' sign. Denby Angus
- Better handling a value of 0. Denby Angus
1.08 2008-05-09
- Final changes to meet requirements on http://cpants.perl.org/
- Bug fix so it won't fail with "Too early to specify a build action"
1.07 2008-05-08
- Additional changes to meet requirements on http://cpants.perl.org/
1.06 2008-05-05
- Updated test.pl.
- Added Build.PL and several other things to meet requirements on
1.05 2007-02-22
- Fixed a bug where subSF didn't work with some values.
1.04 2005-06-30
- Complete rewrite of addSF.
* stopped using sprintf (which does not return the same results on
all platforms.
* replaced IsReal with Simplify.
1.03 2003-09-11
- Fixed a bug where I left off the sign. Steve Reaser
- Fixed a bug in subSF where numbers ending in zero were truncated.
Andrew Grall
1.02 2000-01-10
- Fixed where 1249.01 wasn't correctly rounded to 1200.
Janna Wemekamp
1.01 1997-01-28
- Used croak and changed die's to confess.
- "101" is now returned as "101." .
- Fixed where 9.99 wasn't being correctly returned with 1 sigfig.
Kyle Krom
1.00 1996-12-05
- Initial creation