Revision history for Perl extension Log::Dispatch::Win32EventLog.
0.14 2007-10-21
- improved the test diagnostics (e.g. cmp_ok() instead of ok())
- Switched from Module::Build to EU::MM, since MB is not
bundled by default with Activestate Perl.
- maintainance handed over to David Landgren
- no code changes, this is simply to get support calls
directed to the current maintainer.
- detabbed source files
- removed SIGNATURE
0.13 Mon Apr 4 2005
- commented-out unnecessary eval
- added Pod::Coverage and Test::Pod tests
- added stub Test::Prereq (disabled due to bugs)
- minor updates to documentation
- 02-register.t test disabled due to bugs in register
- added SIGNATURE to distribution
0.12 Fri Sep 3 2004 (includes 0.11_xx releases)
- test for register set as TODO since it seems to fail on some
systems when run for the first few times, then suddenly works
- test for register skipped if not an administrator
- added test for log4j.NTEventLogAppender interface
- if backslashes are in the source, it changes them to spaces and
issues a warning rather than dying; message changed to
'Backslashes in source removed'
- tweaked tests with respect to opening event log to verify events
- removed use of Win32::IsAdminUser function, since it does
not seem to be universally available
- added warning in README about WinZip
- event source will only be registered if one is an admin user
- removed unnecessary tests
- updated POD and added Known Issues section
- corrected tests for registered sources (thanks to
<fpchan at> for feedback on this)
0.11 Fri Aug 6 2004
- corrected handling of unregistered sources
0.10 Wed Aug 4 2004
- build uses Test::Warn
- added test for invalid log registration
- renamed test files
0.03_02 Mon Jul 26 2004
- added tests for registration and Log4perl (if present)
- allows registration of the source to a specific log
- tests verify that events were written to logs
- tests use Test::More
- event log is opened to $Source rather than "Application"
- checks for proper perl version
- handle is now closed when class is destroyed
0.03_01 Mon Jul 26 2004
- fixed warnings related to Perl 5.8.x [cpan #7020]
- check for invalid characters in source
- reorganized and updated POD
- added Build.PL and META.yml to distribution
- corrected prereqs in Build.PL/Makefile.PL
0.02 Thu Aug 22 09:29:46 CEST 2002
- Renamed to Win32EventLog from Win32Event
- Fixed typos in documentation
0.01 Wed Aug 21 14:18:40 CEST 2002
- First version