Revision history for Perl extension Log::Dispatch::Twilio

0.04      2022-05-26 13:07:57-07:00 America/Vancouver
    - Switch from Twilio `SMS/Messages` endpoint, to `Messages`; Twilio
      announced that the old `SMS/Messages` endpoint is to be shut down on
      November 28, 2022.
      - If you make use of Log::Dispatch::Twilio, it is CRITICAL that you update
        to this new release prior to that date.

0.03      2021-01-10 23:31:32-08:00 America/Vancouver
    - Augment tests to ensure we split/truncate at correct position
    - Switch to Dist::Zilla for release management
    - POD fixups; synopsis, spelling
    - Fix message truncation/splitting, when message is too long
      - was generating "max_messages" messages, even if less would suffice
    - Ensure our namespace is kept clean
    - Rewrite test suite, to not require a live Twilio API to connect to
    - Explicitly note minimum version of Perl; 5.010001 (that which is
      required by WWW::Twilio::API)
    - Move to GitHub

0.02    Tue Dec  4 23:42 PST 2012
    - Truncate long messages, or split them up across multiple SMS messages (if
      "max_messages" set to >1)

0.01    Fri Nov 30 10:12 PST 2012
    - initial release