Distributions Which Depend on List-PowerSet
River gauge Release Uploaded
River stage zero No dependents Lingua-Word-Parser-0.0809 Parse a word into scored known and unknown parts 30 Sep 2024 15:00:05 UTC
River stage one • 1 direct dependent • 1 total dependent DBIx-Class-Sims-0.500012 The addition of simulating data to DBIx::Class 10 Sep 2020 20:56:23 UTC
River stage zero No dependents Data-Mining-Apriori-0.18 Perl extension for implement the apriori algorithm of data mining. 23 Apr 2018 16:31:33 UTC
River stage zero No dependents WWW-StaticBlog-0.02 Generate a set of static pages for a blog. 30 Sep 2010 04:04:26 UTC
4 results (0.014 seconds)