Revision history for Perl extension List::Insertion.
v0.1.4 2024-01-10
    - Updated to work with latest Template::Plex (v0.7.0)

v0.1.3 2023-08-23
  - remove Exporter, as it isn't used to export symbols in this case

v0.1.2  2023-06-23
  - removed uneeded localisation of $_

v0.1.1  2023-03-24
  - make_search now returns code string in list context

  - fix typo in Makefile.PL in repo links

v0.1.0  2023-03-24
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		--name List::Insertion -X -P -b 5.24.0