Revision history for Lingua-Norms-SUBTLEX-0.06
0.07 2018.06.08
- resolves issue in set_lang() method for finding the specs.csv file during pre-install testing - thanks to Slaven Rezic for pointing this out
0.06 2018.03.27
- case- and mark-sensitivity control introduced: Following what is used in the Perl module "Text::Levenshtein". By a "matching level" set in new() and via "set_eq()" method. The default remains to search case (and mark) insensitively.
- pos_all method added
- pos_ methods have added argument 'conform' to transliterate the file-given strings into common code.
- set_lang() and get_lang() methods introduced to query the datafile being used and to change it.
- frq_count, frq_opm, cd_count and cd_pct now return 0 rather than empty-string if the looked-up string was not found in the language file.
- all_strings now culls duplicates with uniq() after firstly ensuring have a non-empty string; given some empty lines and duplicate strings for different POS in some files; and then alphabetically sorts them.
- method "list_strings" renamed "select_strings" to avoid confusion with "all_strings", which also returns a list of strings.
- select_strings checks that value is defined for a language file, and that if retrieved it is numeric ahead of checking its range--in case the field is empty for a file (as seems to happen for cd_count with UK file).
- cv_pattern regex check in select_strings transliterates tested strings to ASCII to capture, say, 'é' in the string with just 'e' in the pattern.
- frq_sum method added and POD for related methods indicate that they all can be used to obtain descriptives of frq_count as well.
- POD documentation for stats methods corrected: "raw" should have been "opm", and there is no argument named "log".
- added a croak if "The requested value is not defined for the SUBTLEX-x corpus" of a particular language x.
- Dependency on File::Slurp removed in place of Path::Tiny.
- croak messages expanded to include statement of the method called.
- NL lang: need to specify _all or _min files; see table in POD
0.05 2015.02.28
- Added support for German SUBTLEX (language DE), in addition to NL, UK and US files.
0.04 2015.02.27
- Added support for UK and NL
0.03 2015.01.11
- Misc. code and doc clean-ups, including corrected version numbering and internal linking.
0.02 2015.01.10
- Added methods to directly retrieve the "contextual diversity" measures as percentage, and log of percentage.
- Corrected the calculation of mean Levenshtein Distance by the function on_ldist - it should not previously have been a public method. Two pre-installation tests, based on the example data in the Yarkoni et al. (2008) paper, have been added, ensuring that the method returns the correct values.
- Revised POD documentation, including doi links.
0.01 2014.08.08
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.