2009-08-13 14:47  cvs

	* MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, lib/LEOCHARRE/HTML/Text.pm,
	  t/05-wget-w32safe-slurpmod.t: Made so If you slurp a url on
	  win32, it works ok. (Submitted).. This is the first time I add
	  something to work with windows software, but it was submitted. I
	  almost feel dirty I don't want to think about it.

2009-08-12 17:04  cvs

	* bin/html2txt, lib/LEOCHARRE/HTML/Text.pm: The documentation was
	  not showing proper example usage, thanks to Gordon Van Amburg.

2008-11-21 11:03  cvs

	* bin/html2txt: added some help to cli

2008-11-14 13:38  cvs

	* bin/.html2txt.swp, bin/html2txt, lib/LEOCHARRE/HTML/Text.pm:
	  Initial revision