0.406  2023-12-11    lichtkind
    * = minor features
    * + undo expand selection (Ctrl+Shift+A)
    * + keep columns when moving caret up or down with direction keys
    * + recent files menu
    * ! fixed File "save as" function

0.405  2023-10-14    lichtkind
    * = minor feature: more settings
    * * config under ~/.config/kephra/main-recent.yaml stores most intern vars
    * + document menu with 4 items: soft tabs, tab size, EOL
    * + toggle caret line visibility
    * ! expand selection can handle touching brace pairs
    * ! cursor pos in status bar shows correct line nr now
    * ! can cancel file dialogs

0.404  2022-12-09    lichtkind
    * = flexible optics
    * + delete line (Alt+Del)
    * + view menu with 6 items
    * ! expand style selection even if right end is a previously detected brace
    * ! fixed bugs in select all

0.403  2022-11-25    lichtkind
    * = minor improvements
    * + expand selection knows braces in line and loops
    * + expand goto edit to two locations
    * ! insert [] and {} works again
    * ! fix smart new line

0.402  2022-11-22    lichtkind
    * = minor fixes
    * + expand selection knows '' "" and sub {}
    * & added tests
    * ? fixing POD

0.401  2022-11-21    lichtkind
    * = relaunch with a rewrite code base
    * + single document
    * + rich editing capabilities


#    * * Syntax modes for RAKU, RUST, C, Ruby, Python, bash, YAML, JSON, Markdown
#    * multi doc
#    * git integration
#    * file browser
#    * file projects
#    * UTF crash bug, other encodings