Revision history for Perl extension Iterator::Array::Jagged.
0.05 2008-04-22
- Adjusted formatting of the POD.
- Updated the synopsis to be more clear (Ricardo Signes++).
- Fixed some typos in the POD.
0.04 2008-04-21
- Added methods permute and get_iterator.
- Major performance enhancements.
- Updated POD.
- Added more tests.
0.03 2008-04-19
- Updated makefile because of several CPAN::Reporter
errors complaining about the Makefile.PL being out
of sync with the dates in the rest of the files.
0.02 2008-04-18
- Reduced required version of Perl to 5.5.
0.01 Fri Apr 18 05:29:26 2008
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AXn Iterator::Array::Jagged