Revision history for Image-Magick-Safer
0.08 2025-03-10
- [Fix] test failures due to new image/x-mvg MIME type (GH #3)
0.07 2016-08-04
- [Fix] test failures on BSD systems by skipping them, document
this problem (GH #2)
0.06 2016-07-22
- [Add] add explicit check for leading pipes and file not found
as bad filenames check added in v0.04 doesn't always catch
these (GH #1)
0.05 2016-07-22
- [Add] add explicit check for leading pipes and file not found
as bad filenames check added in v0.04 doesn't always catch
these (GH #1)
0.04 2016-05-31
- [Add] return error on bad filenames, which also catches
use of pipe as leading char to defend against popen()
shell vulnerability
0.02 2016-05-20
- [Fix] add Read aliases: ReadImage, read, readimage
0.01 2016-05-20
- First release