Revision history for Perl extension Image::LibRSVG.

0.07   - cpan release of 0.06 holds wrong version

0.06   - fixed loading of gz files with new version (RT 18146)
       - removed DEFINE from Makefile-call (old librvg installations can use 0.05)

0.05   - enabled new function "getBitmap" which returns the bitmap into a scalar
       - added new function "isGzCompressionSupported" to check if gzipped files can be passed
       - added some new tests

       - fixed typo in POD (cpan-bug-id 6187)
       - fixed problems with detecting zlib support 
         (now default is on and can be turned off by perl Makefile.PL-Param 
         as shown in read me)
       - added loading from string

       - corrected wrong Modulenames in examples in POD
       - corrected typo in loadImage dimesion => dimension
       - added support 4 librsvg 2