Revision history for Horris

v0.1.2  2011-02-12
    * re Documenting
    * merge CLI scripts

v0.1.1  2011-02-11
    * Added "what's that"(a.k.a '뭠마' || 'ㅁㅁ') feature to 'Hit plugin'

    * Rewrite plugins
        * Join
        * PeekURL
        * Poller
        * Relay
    * Added plugins
        * Echo
        * Eval
        * Hit
        * Kspell
        * PowerManager
        * RPC
        * Retry
        * Twitter
    * Added CLI utility

    * forked 'Morris'
    * given name 'Horris'
    * replace pluggable logic
        self implementation => "MooseX::Role::Pluggable"

    * Fix PeekURL plugin's regular expression to search for charsets

0.01000_01 - 11 Nov 2009
    * First public release (it's been used in production in my company
      for over a year)
    * Please note that this was intended as a toy... Patches, improvements
      are welcome.
    * Also, some parts are hardcoded with Japanese text. You've been warned.