Revision history for HTTP-CookieMonster
0.11 2020-01-31 17:32:56Z
- Remove Storable dependency (GH#10)
- Move WWW::Mechanize to develop dependencies
0.10 2020-01-30 18:20:52Z
- Remove Data::Serializer (GH#5) (Olaf Alders)
- Fixed pod error as reported by CPANTS. (GH#3) (Mohammad S Anwar)
- Minor improvement to method set_cookie() with test. (GH#2) (Mohammad S Anwar)
0.09 2014-11-24 10:23:51 America/Toronto
- Removes the BETA warning
- Fixes some Pod typos
0.08 2014-10-22 13:47:09 America/Toronto
- Cookie values are now unescaped before reading and escaped before writing.
0.07 2014-02-04 10:50:27 America/Toronto
- Adds local to MANIFEST.SKIP
0.06 2014-02-04 10:42:31 America/Toronto
- Adds delete_cookie() method
0.05 2012-09-28
- Fixes typo in SYNOPSIS
0.04 2012-09-19
- Now using BUILDARGS to accept just one argument when creating new
HTTP::CookieMonster object
- Adds cookies() function for quick read-only cookie access
0.03 2012-08-23
- all_cookies() now returns an ARRAY rather than ARRAYREF, but will still
return the reference if not called in list context
- all_cookies() is now a regular method rather than an accessor
0.02 2012-08-21
- Fixes errors in Pod
- Fixes internal cookie setting
0.01 2012-08-21
- Initial release