0.05 2016-01-26T00:13:21Z

	- Use content attribute as value of property, if it is available, instead
	of the annotated text. (by Václav Haisman)

0.04 2013-06-06T06:15:01Z

	- Fix dependency. 

2013-05-28  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.03:
	Fix error on invalid itemprop. (reported by Lucas Mateus)

2011-12-14  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.02:
	Compatible 5.8.*.

2011-12-13  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.01:
	Initial Release

vim:set ft=changelog: