Till version 0.6.1 gaff was an php tool. When i started programming perl
and recognized that it is much more powerfull than php, i ported gaff to
perl. I completly rewrote it and thereby added many new features:
- flexible template engine for writing skins
- check routines with translatable error messages (using gettext)
- a more modular design, so that gaff can easily be extended and
- a more detailed documentation
Till version 0.7 FormEngine was called gaff.
- new method add_checks
- enhanced documentation
- added 2 easy tests (make test)
- fixed bug in _handle_error (Handler.pm)
- fixed bug in _parse (FormEngine.pm)
- added _add_to_output method
- implemented multi skin management
- enhanced documentation
- fixed bug in _check_email (Checks.pm)
- added 'print' template
- added 'check_uniq' template
- added 'button' template
- added 'confirm' method
- implemented '<!.*![A-Za-z_ |]+!>' template syntax
- added new check methods
- enhanced handler system
- enhanced documentation
This is a CPAN release only. I forgot to delete the 'blib' directory before
packaging the 0.7.3 release. CPAN doesn't like this.
- fixed bug in _handle_error
- template parsing is now done from left to right and from top to
bottom, independend of wether a variable, a handler call, a loop
etc. is found
- second argument of _handle_value changed its meaning!
- template variables are now valid for all subtemplates too!
- enhanced documentation
- fixed confirm() related bug (added resetting)
- redesign: skins are now represented by classes
- because of that the following methods are not in FormEngine anymore:
- set_skin
- add_skin
- set_default
- add_default
- set_handler
- add_handler
- add_checks
- set_confirm_skin
- add_confirm_skin
- set_confirm_handler
- add_confirm_handler
- instead they're replaced by methods of the skin classes. see MIGRATING for more.
- the following new methods were added to FormEngine:
- set_skin_obj
- get_skin_obj
- set_seperate
- confirmation_canceled
- del_main_vars
- the skin templates are completly rewritten
- template system extended:
- handler calls can now be nested
- loops without loop variables loop over all variables in the loops body
- the "check_uniq" template and the "emb_text" template don't exist anymore
- new templates: select_flexible, select_optgroup, optgroup, optgroup_flexible, fieldset, print_option
- all handlers have been renamed, you have to add a '#' infront of the old names.
- new handlers:
- #gettext_var for translating the contents of a template variable
- #label for generating a label tag
- #decide
- #readonly
- #multiple
- #confirm_check_prepare
- #seperate
- #encentities
- #save_to_global
- #not_null
- #html2text
- #arg
- the following handlers don't exist anymore:
- checked_uniq
- confirm_checked
- confirm_checked_uniq
- the "check_email" check is renamed to "email"
- new checks:
- match
- unique
- fixed bug in Skin.pm (it was askin for HTML::FormEngine::SkinText which is not available and also not needed)