Revision history for HTML-Form-ForceValue

0.009     2014-01-21 22:04:30-05:00 America/New_York
        - still deprecated!

        - repackage to update bugtracker and repo

0.008     2013-09-11 10:33:53 America/New_York
        - still deprecated!

        - repackage to update bugtracker and repo

0.006     2006-11-14
        - packaging updates

0.005     2006-08-22
        - automatically create form fields if needed with $form->force_value

0.003     2006-08-15
        - fix stupid typo (thanks DSKOLL, bug 21001)

0.002     2006-08-09
        - fix typographical/link errors in documentation

0.001     2006-08-08
        - first draft