Revision history for Perl extension Games::Hack::Live.

  - Ability to work on multiple things in parallel,
	  eg. money, lifes and strength.
	- Bugfix - substituted "." by "\C" in regex.
	- Memory dumps now named in hexadecimal.

	- small bugfix for applications with lots of libraries.
	- Bugfix for killwrites - keep *address at old value.
	- Stop script if debuggee exits

0.406 Thu Nov 15 10:25:20 CET 2007
  - substitution for non-word characters in ::Patch names.

0.405 Thu Nov 15 10:05:20 CET 2007
  - forgot to package hack-live script

0.404 Thu Nov 14 10:25:20 CET 2007
  - Wrapper for easier running

0.4  Wed Oct 24 06:52:11 CEST 2007
  - Renamed to correct name
	- Support for various types in search
	- integer and floating point searching/patching possible
	- "find" prints last list
	- (useless) test added
	- Optionally asks for description for killed writes
	- Can attach to a running process

0.3  Tue Sep 18 15:57:37 2007
	- first published version;
	- supports finding/killing integer values.